BeSafe Stretch

BeSafe Stretch

Recention BeSafe Stretch |

(på svenska)

Picture from Fotelove 

Finally, some unofficial info about Besafe’s new rear-facing carsaet has been released. Nothing has been confirmed by Besafe yet so some parts may not be correct.

The name is BeSafe Stretch and is an 129 approved carseat, only rearfacing. 61-125cm and maxweight to 36kg, that´s 4kg more than the one who today takes the heaviest child rearfacing, Klippan Opti129. It is Plustested, and will be available in spring 2022.

The chair is installed with a seatbelt, tetherstraps, support legs and a antirebound bar. It can´t be installed with isofix.

Roumors says that its base is similar to the base that Axkid One have.  It is a metal frame the seat slides on back and forth on change legroom. Not like Besafe’s other carsaeats where you push out the reboundbar to increase the space. It should be possible to adjust the leg area approx. 30cm.

The chair can be tilted during traveling so that the child can sit upright when they are awake and have a better position when they sleep.

The chair is lightweight and weigh around 10kg, has extra side impact protection.

The design of the seat is very similar to Besafe modular so we can probably assume that its going to have babyinserts for the smaller children so they can sit better.

Unconfirmed info says that the tightening of the seat belt is a knob, also here like the Axkid One which has a knob on the antirebound bar to tighten it.

Based on the picture, it looks like it is a self-tightening tetherstraps, just like Axkid has on several of their seats

Picture from Fotelove

The price seems to end up around 600Euro, more expensive than the Klippan opti 129 which is also r129 but to 32kg and cheaper than the Axkid one which is the same maxlength and 23kg but it is isofix mounted.

BeSafwe and Klippan are belt-mounted and can therefore have a higher maximum weight than an isofixmounted seat.